EBS Legacy-70 Thiophanate Methyl 70% Wp
EBS Legacy-70 Thiophanate Methyl 70% Wp
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Brand Name : LEGACY-70
How to use : Foliar Spray is recommended
Target disease: Powdery Mildew Anthracnose, Fruit Rot, Black Scurf, Tuber Decay Tuber Rot, Leaf Spot, Wilt, Damping off Stem Rot, Leaf Spot, Blast, Sheath Blight.
Target Crop: Chillies, Paddy, Tomato, Potato.
Dose : Foliar Spray: Spray @ 250 to 500 gm per ha. (0.5 g/lit of water).
Seed Treatment: @ 2 to 3 gm/kg of Seeds.
Seedling Dip: Dip the seedlings in LEGACY-70 suspension @ 1 - 1.5 g/lit. of Water.
Soil Drench: Drench the soil with LEGACY-70 @ 2 - 4 g/lit of water (Flower beds/Nurseries).
PHT: Dipping or spraying @ 0.5 g/lit of water and drying under the shade.
PACKING SIZE : 500gm, 1kg.
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